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Revision as of 15:40, 8 June 2023 by hp>110521sgl (Created page with '--[[ The 110521sgl module, Based on the Babel module. This module is meant to emulate the effect of the Babel-N template as a module directly, so userbox templates whose names don't start with "User" can be used in Babel-like tables (unlike with the Babel module), without sacrificing the nice formatting that the Babel template provides (which Babel-N fails in). The corresponding template is User:110521sgl/UserlessBabel. ]]-- local p = {} local getArgs lo...')
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Usage[edit source]


This module works the same way as Module:Babel, with the sole difference being that Babel accepts arguments x such that "User x" is the name of a template, while this module can take any template name as argument. It offers the versatility seen in Template:Babel-N without sacrificing the nice table formatting Template:Babel provides. It's corresponding template is User:110521sgl/UserlessBabel.

The 110521sgl module, Based on the Babel module.
This module is meant to emulate the effect of the Babel-N template as a module
directly, so userbox templates whose names don't start with "User" can be used
in Babel-like tables (unlike with the Babel module), without sacrificing the
nice formatting that the Babel template provides (which Babel-N fails in).
The corresponding template is User:110521sgl/UserlessBabel.

local p = {}

local getArgs

local function showBox(frame, v, nocat)
	local maybeNocat = ''
	if nocat then
		maybeNocat = '|nocat=yes'
	return frame:preprocess('{{'..v..maybeNocat..'}}')

function p.main(frame)
	if not getArgs then
		getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
	local args = getArgs(frame, {wrappers = 'User:110521sgl/UserlessBabel'})

	local ret = mw.html.create('table')
				:attr('role', 'presentation')
				:css( {
						float = args.align or 'right',
						['margin-left'] = (args.left or '1') .. 'em',
						['margin-bottom'] = (args.bottom or '0') .. 'em',
						width = (args.width or '248') .. 'px',
						clear = args.align or 'right',
						color = args.textcolor or '#000000',
						border = (args.bordercolor or '#99B3FF') .. ' solid ' .. (args.solid or 1)..'px'
					} )

	local nocat = args.nocat and string.lower(args.nocat) == 'yes'

	if args.shadow and string.lower(args.shadow) == 'yes' then
		ret:css({ ['box-shadow'] = '0 2px 4px rgb(0,0,0,0.2)' })

	ret:cssText( args['extra-css'] or '' )

	local color = args.color or 'inherit'
	local row1 = ret:tag('tr')
	local row2 = ret:tag('tr')
	local row3 = ret:tag('tr')

	local body_cells = row2:tag('td')
				:css('vertical-align', 'middle !important')

	local userboxes
	-- Special message for when first argument is blank; otherwise treat it as normal
	if args[1] and args[1]:find('%S') then
		userboxes = showBox(frame, args[1], nocat)
		userboxes = args.noboxestext or "''You haven't set up any languages. Please see [[Template:Babel/doc]] for help.''"


	-- "remove" args[1] so it isn't looked at in the loop
	-- table.remove(args,1) doesn't produce desired result
	args[1] = ''

	-- Keep track of how many columns are in this table
	local col_span = 1
	for _, v in ipairs( args ) do
		-- ! indicates a new cell should be created
		if v:find('%S') and v ~= '!' then
			body_cells:wikitext( showBox(frame, v, nocat) )
		-- Recycling body_cells for <td>
		elseif v and v == '!' then
			col_span = col_span + 1
			body_cells = row2:tag('td')

			:css({ ['background-color'] = color,
					['text-align'] = 'center' })
			:wikitext( args.header or '[[Wikipedia:Babel]]' )

			:css({ ['background-color'] = color,
					['text-align'] = 'center' })
			:wikitext( args.footer or '[[:Category:Wikipedians by language|Search user languages]]' )

	if args['special-boxes'] then


	return tostring(ret)

return p