Module:Badge display/data
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Badge display/data/doc
local data = {
-- Data for badges
-- Module:Badge Display/data --
-- ==Proficiency Badges== -->
-- xx = {Code = "xx", Type = "", Description = "xx", Class="", Variation="", Image="XX", PageLink="XX", Country="ZAR", Note="", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
-- TO DO
BRVS = {Code = "BRVS", Type = "Service Award", Description = "Badge for Reserve Voluntary Service", Class="Five Years Voluntary Service", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Badge for Reserve Voluntary Service BRVS embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Badge for Reserve Voluntary Service (BRVS)", Country="ZAR", Note="", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
-- EVS = Emblem for Voluntary (Reserve) Service
Mech61SO = {Code = "61MechSO", Type = "Service", Description = "61 Mech Operational Service Badge", Class="", Variation="Service Dress", Image="61 Mech - Operational Participation Bar.png", PageLink="61 Mechanised Battalion Group#Ops Badge", Country="ZAR", Note="Rectangular bar (upright) in yellow with a black dagger embellished in silver and three red lightning flashes angled diagonally across the blade", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
Mech61 = {Code = "61Mech", Type = "Service", Description = "61 Mech Operational Service Badge", Class="", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF 61 Mech Ops Badge embossed ver 2.png", PageLink="61 Mechanised Battalion Group#Ops Badge", Country="ZAR", Note="Rectangular bar (upright) with a black dagger and three black lightning flashes angled diagonally across the blade", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
Mech61Nutria = {Code = "61MechNutria", Type = "Service", Description = "61 Mech Operational Service Badge", Class="", Variation="Nutria", Image="61 Mech - Operational Participation Bar Field Dress.png", PageLink="61 Mechanised Battalion Group#Ops Badge", Country="ZAR", Note="", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
Mech61Veteran = {Code = "Mech61Veteran", Type = "Service", Description = "61 Mech Veteran\'s Service Badge", Class="", Variation="Nutria", Image="SANDF 61 Mech Veteran bar.jpg", PageLink="61 Mechanised Battalion Group#Ops Badge", Country="ZAR", Note="", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
Gunner = {Code = "Gunner", Type = "Qualification and Decoration", Description = "Master Gunner Badge", Class="", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Arty Master Gunner badge embossed.png", PageLink="Master Gunners of the South African Army", Country="ZAR", Note="Crossed gun barrels", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
GunnerSD = {Code = "GunnerSD", Type = "Qualification and Decoration", Description = "Master Gunner Badge", Class="", Variation="Chrome", Image="BADGE - QUALIFICATION SA ARMY - PROFICIENCY - Service Dress - Artillery Master Gunner.png", PageLink="Master Gunners of the South African Army", Country="ZAR", Note="Crossed gun barrels", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
GunnerGen = {Code = "GunnerGen", Type = "Post", Description = "General of the Gunners", Class="", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Arty General of the Gunners badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Identification: General of the Gunners", Country="ZAR", Note="Crossed gun barrels with grenade", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
GunnerGenSD = {Code = "GunnerGenSD", Type = "Post", Description = "General of the Gunners", Class="", Variation="Chrome", Image="BADGE - QUALIFICATION SA ARMY - PROFICIENCY - Service Dress - Artillery General of the Gunners.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Identification: General of the Gunners", Country="ZAR", Note="Crossed gun barrels with grenade", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
ArtyNo1 = {Code = "ArtyNo1", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Artillery No 1", Class="", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Arty Qualification No 1 badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Identification: Qualification: Artillery No 1", Country="ZAR", Note="Gun image", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
ArtyNo1SD = {Code = "ArtyNo1SD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Artillery No 1", Class="", Variation="Chrome", Image="BADGE - QUALIFICATION SA ARMY - PROFICIENCY - Service Dress - Artillery N01.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Identification: Qualification: Artillery No 1", Country="ZAR", Note="Gun image", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
Marks1 = {Code = "Marks1", Type = "Proficiency", Description = "1st Class Shot – Rifle", Class="1<sup>st</sup> Class Marksman", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Insignia Musketry Marksmen badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Proficiency: 1st Class Shot – Rifle", Country="ZAR", Note="Black (Black rifle), with a black rectangle surrounding the rifle", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
Marks2 = {Code = "Marks2", Type = "Proficiency", Description = "2nd Class Shot – Rifle", Class="2<sup>nd</sup> Class Marksman", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Insignia Musketry 2nd Class Shotist badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Proficiency: 2nd Class Shot – Rifle", Country="ZAR", Note="Black (Black rifle)", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
SFOpBadge = {Code = "SFOpBadge", Type = "Qualification", Description = "SA Special Forces Operator's Badge", Class="", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Special Forces Operator badge embossed.png", PageLink="South_African_Special_Forces#Operator's Badge", Country="ZAR", Note="Dagger enclosed with a laurel wreath", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
SFOpBadgeSO = {Code = "SFOpBadgeSO", Type = "Qualification", Description = "SA Special Forces Operator's Badge", Class="", Variation="Chrome", Image="SASF Operator Badge.png", PageLink="South_African_Special_Forces#Operator's Badge", Country="ZAR", Note="Dagger enclosed with a laurel wreath", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
SFOpBadgeSD = {Code = "SFOpBadgeSD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "SA Special Forces Operator's Badge", Class="", Variation="Chrome", Image="SASF Operator Badge.png", PageLink="South_African_Special_Forces#Operator's Badge", Country="ZAR", Note="Dagger enclosed with a laurel wreath", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
SFOpBadgeGold = {Code = "SFOpBadgeGold", Type = "Qualification", Description = "SA Special Forces Operator's Badge", Class="Gold, 10 Years", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Special Forces Operator Diamond badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Special Forces Operator Identification (Gold, 10 Years)", Country="ZAR", Note="Dagger enclosed with a laurel wreath. Exclusion to indicate diamond on Dagger blade.", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
ParaBasic = {Code = "ParaBasic", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Paratrooper Basic", Class="Basic, Static Line", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Paratrooper basic badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Paratrooper Basic", Country="ZAR", Note="Small Black wings", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
ParaDispatch = {Code = "ParaDispatch", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Paratrooper Dispatcher", Class="Dispatcher, Static Line", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Paratrooper Dispatcher badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Paratrooper Dispatcher", Country="ZAR", Note="Small Black wings", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
ParaInstructor = {Code = "ParaInstructor", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Paratrooper Instructor", Class="Instructor, Static Line", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Paratrooper Instructor regular badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Paratrooper Instructor", Country="ZAR", Note="Large Black wings", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
ParaFreefall = {Code = "ParaFreefall", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Free Fall Paratrooper", Class="Advanced, Freefall", Variation="Black on Thatch beige", Image="SANDF Qualification Paratrooper Freefall badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Free Fall Paratrooper", Country="ZAR", Note="Small Black wings", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
ParaFreeDispatcher = {Code = "ParaFreeDispatcher", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Freefall Dispatcher", Class="Dispatcher, Freefall Qualified", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="Para Wing - Over 50 or Dispatcher.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Paratrooper Free Fall Instructor", Country="ZAR", Note="", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
ParaFreeInstructor = {Code = "ParaFreeInstructor", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Freefall Instructor", Class="Instructor, Freefall Qualified", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Paratrooper Freefall Instructor badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Paratrooper Free Fall Instructor", Country="ZAR", Note="Large Black wings", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
Pathfinder = {Code = "Pathfinder", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Pathfinder Badge", Class="", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Pathfinder badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Pathfinder", Country="ZAR", Note="", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
PathfinderSD = {Code = "Pathfinder", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Pathfinder Badge", Class="", Variation="Bronze metal, Service Dress", Image="BADGE - SANDF - Qualification - Pathfinder - Service Dress.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Pathfinder", Country="ZAR", Note="", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
AirAssault = {Code = "AirAssault", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Air Assault", Class="", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Air Assault badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Air Assault", Country="ZAR", Note="Small Helicopter with wings", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
Dems1 = {Code = "Dems1", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Demolitions", Class="Level 1 (DEMS1)", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Demolitions Level One badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Demolitions Phase 1 Qualification Badge (Dems 1)", Country="ZAR", Note="The badge uses the traditional 9 flames exploding grenade which is superimposed over one lightning bolt diagonally (top right to bottom left) across the exploding grenade", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
Dems2 = {Code = "Dems2", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Demolitions", Class="Level 2 (DEMS2) - Tactical Demolitions", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Demolitions Level Two badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Demolitions Phase 2 Qualification Badge (Tactical Demolitions)", Country="ZAR", Note="The badge uses the traditional 9 flames exploding grenade, which is superimposed over two crossed lightning bolts across the exploding grenade", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
IEDD = {Code = "IEDD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Improvised Explosive Device Disposal (IEDD)", Class="IEDD Badge", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Improvised Explosive Device Disposal IEDD badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Improvised Explosive Device Disposal Qualification Badge (IEDD)", Country="ZAR", Note="The badge uses the traditional 9 flames exploding grenade, which is superimposed, over two crossed lightning bolts. A watch dial, with hour markings, encircles the exploding grenade", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
EOD = {Code = "EOD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)", Class="EOD Badge", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Explosive Ordnance Disposal EOD badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)", Country="ZAR", Note="Ring and bomb, facing down, with lightning flash", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
EODSD = {Code = "EODSD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)", Class="EOD Badge", Variation="Gilt and silver", Image="BADGE - SANDF - Qualification Explosive Ordnance Disposal - Bronze Metal - Service Dress.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)", Country="ZAR", Note="Gilt metal ring and bomb, facing down, with silver coloured lightning flash", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
AttackDive = {Code = "AttackDive", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Attack Diver", Class="Bronze", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Attack Diver badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Attack Diver Badge", Country="ZAR", Note="The badge depicts a great white shark swimming past the Neptune trident, which is mounted on the mouthpiece of an Oxygears 57 and is enclosed within the tubes of the Oxygears 57", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
AttackDiveInstr = {Code = "AttackDiveInstr", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Attack Diver Instructor Badge", Class="Silver <br>Black Circle indicates Instructor", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Attack Diver Instructor badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Attack Diver Instructor Badge", Country="ZAR", Note="The badge depicts a great white shark swimming past the Neptune trident, which is mounted on the mouthpiece of an Oxygears 57 and is enclosed within the tubes of the Oxygears 57", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
Tracker = {Code = "Tracker", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Tracker", Class="", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Trackers badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Tracker", Country="ZAR", Note="Chevron footprint", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
TrackerInstr = {Code = "TrackerInstr", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Tracker Instructor", Class="Instructor", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Trackers Instructor badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Tracker Instructor", Country="ZAR", Note="Chevron footprint with a black circle surrounding the footprint", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
Sniper = {Code = "Sniper", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Sniper", Class="", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Insignia Musketry Sniper badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Sniper", Country="ZAR", Note="Black rifle and laurel wreath", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
AirSupply = {Code = "AirSupply", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Air Supply", Class="Half Wing", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Air Supply badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Air Supply", Country="ZAR", Note="Half wing", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
AirSupplySD = {Code = "AirSupplySD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Air Supply", Class="Half Wing", Variation="Chrome and enamel", Image="BADGE - SA Army - Qualification Air Supplier - Chrome and Enamel - Service Dress.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Air Supply", Country="ZAR", Note="Half wing with parachute on blue background", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
AirSupplyInstr = {Code = "AirSupplyInstr", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Air Supply Instructor", Class="Full Wing", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Air Supply Instructor badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Air Supply Instructor", Country="ZAR", Note="Full Wing", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
AirSupplyInstrSD = {Code = "AirSupplyInstrSD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Air Supply Instructor", Class="Full Wing", Variation="Chrome and enamel", Image="BADGE - SA Army - Qualification Air Supplier Instructor - Chrome and Enamel - Service Dress.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Air Supply Instructor", Country="ZAR", Note="Complete wing with parachute on red background", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
SAFACSD = {Code = "SAFACSD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Forward Air Controller", Class="", Variation="", Image="Forward Air Controller (FAC) qualification and identification badge.svg", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Forward Air Controller", Country="ZAR", Note="Yellow triangle with two yellow lines on thatch background", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
GoodConductI = {Code = "GoodConductI", Type = "Award", Description = "Good Conduct", Class="Level I", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Good Conduct badge Level I embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Good Conduct Stripes", Country="ZAR", Note="Single Black Horizontal stripe", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
GoodConductII = {Code = "GoodConductII", Type = "Award", Description = "Good Conduct", Class="Level II", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Good Conduct badge Level II embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Good Conduct Stripes", Country="ZAR", Note="Two parallel Black Horizontal stripes", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
GoodConductIII = {Code = "GoodConductIII", Type = "Award", Description = "Good Conduct", Class="Level III", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Good Conduct badge Level III embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Good Conduct Stripes", Country="ZAR", Note="Three parallel Black Horizontal stripes", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
GoodConductISD = {Code = "GoodConductISD", Type = "Award", Description = "Good Conduct", Class="Level I, Service Dress", Variation="Olive Green with Gold Stripe", Image="BADGE - SANDF - Embossed Good Conduct Badges for The SA Army - Service Dress - Olive Green with Gold Stripes - One Stripe.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Good Conduct Stripes", Country="ZAR", Note="Single Gold Horizontal stripe", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
GoodConductIISD = {Code = "GoodConductIISD", Type = "Award", Description = "Good Conduct", Class="Level II, Service Dress", Variation="Olive Green with Gold Stripes", Image="BADGE - SANDF - Embossed Good Conduct Badges for The SA Army - Service Dress - Olive Green with Gold Stripes - Two Stripes.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Good Conduct Stripes", Country="ZAR", Note="Two parallel Gold Horizontal stripes", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
GoodConductIIISD = {Code = "GoodConductIIISD", Type = "Award", Description = "Good Conduct", Class="Level III, Service Dress", Variation="Olive Green with Gold Stripes", Image="BADGE - SANDF - Embossed Good Conduct Badges for The SA Army - Service Dress - Olive Green with Gold Stripes - Three Stripes.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Good Conduct Stripes", Country="ZAR", Note="Three parallel Gold Horizontal stripes", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
DogHand = {Code = "DogHand", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Dog Handler", Class="Handler", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Dog Handler badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Dog Handler", Country="ZAR", Note="Dog’s head", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
DogHandInstr = {Code = "DogHandInstr", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Dog Handler Instructor", Class="Instructor", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Dog Handler Instructor badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Tracker", Country="ZAR", Note="Dog’s head surrounded by a laurel wreath", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
Horse = {Code = "Horse", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Equestrian Basic", Class="Rider", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Equestrian Basic badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Basic Equestrian", Country="ZAR", Note="Stirrup with a riding crop", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
HorseInstr = {Code = "HorseInstr", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Equestrian Instructor", Class="Instructor", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Equestrian Instructor badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Equestrian Instructor", Country="ZAR", Note="Stirrup with a riding crop with a black circle surrounding the stirrup", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
HorseAdv = {Code = "HorseAdv", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Equestrian Advanced", Class="Advanced", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Equestrian Advanced badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Equestrian Advanced", Country="ZAR", Note="Stirrup with a riding crop with a two black circles surrounding the stirrup", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
PTIAsst = {Code = "PTIAsst", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Assistant Physical Training Instructor", Class="Assistant PTI", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Assistant PT Instructor Crossed Swords badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Assistant PT Instructor", Country="ZAR", Note="Crossed sabres", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
PTI = {Code = "PTI", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Physical Training Instructor", Class="PTI", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification PT Instructor Crossed Swords badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Advanced PT Instructor", Country="ZAR", Note="Crossed sabres under Pride of Lions", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
Fire = {Code = "Fire", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Fire Fighter", Class="", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Fire Fighter badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Fire Fighter", Country="ZAR", Note="Helmet and crossed axes", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
FireSnr = {Code = "FireSnr", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Senor Fire Fighter", Class="Senior", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Senior Fire Fighter badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Senior Fire Fighter", Country="ZAR", Note="Helmet and crossed axes surrounded by a Protea wreath", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
MotorCycle = {Code = "MotorCycle", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Motorcyclist", Class="", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Motorcyclists badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Motorcyclist Qualification", Country="ZAR", Note="Motor cycle wheel", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
MotorCycleInstructor = {Code = "MotorCycleInstructor", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Motorcyclist Instructor", Class="Instructor", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Motorcyclists Instructor badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Qualification: Motorcyclist Qualification", Country="ZAR", Note="Motor cycle wheel with a black circle surrounding the wheel", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
IntAudit = {Code = "IntAudit", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Internal Audit Practitioner", Class="", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Insignia Internal Audit Practioner badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Internal Auditor & Investigator", Country="ZAR", Note="Internal Audit Investigation", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
MilLaw = {Code = "MilLaw", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Military Law Practitioner", Class="", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Insignia Military Law Practitioner badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Military Law", Country="ZAR", Note="Scales of Justice surrounded by a Laurel Wreath", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
MusicMus = {Code = "MusicMus", Type = "Qualification/Post", Description = "Musician", Class="Musician (SACB)", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification SACB Musician badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SA Corps of Bandsmen", Country="ZAR", Note="Round badge. Lyre with a wreath", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
MusicMusSD = {Code = "MusicMusSD", Type = "Qualification/Post", Description = "Musician", Class="Musician (SACB)", Variation="Silver Gilt, Service Dress", Image="SANDF - BADGE - Qualification - Mess Dress - SACB - Musician.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SA Corps of Bandsmen", Country="ZAR", Note="Gilt badge. Lyre with a wreath", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
MusicSeniorMus = {Code = "MusicSeniorMus", Type = "Qualification/Post", Description = "Senior Musician", Class="Senior Musician (SACB)", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification SACB Senior Musician badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SA Corps of Bandsmen", Country="ZAR", Note="Round badge. Lyre with a wreath enclosed in a black circle", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
MusicSeniorMusSD = {Code = "MusicSeniorMusSD", Type = "Qualification/Post", Description = "Senior Musician", Class="Senior Musician (SACB)", Variation="Silver Gilt on Red Backing, Service Dress", Image="SANDF - BADGE - Qualification - Mess Dress - SACB - Senior Musician.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SA Corps of Bandsmen", Country="ZAR", Note="Gilt badge. Lyre with a wreath on red backing", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
MusicPrinMus = {Code = "MusicPrinMus", Type = "Qualification/Post", Description = "Principle Musician", Class="Principle Musician (SACB)", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification SACB Principle Musician badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SA Corps of Bandsmen", Country="ZAR", Note="Square badge. Lyre with a wreath", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
MusicPrinMusSD = {Code = "MusicPrinMusSD", Type = "Qualification/Post", Description = "Principle Musician", Class="Principle Musician (SACB)", Variation="Bronze Gilt, Service Dress", Image="SANDF - BADGE - Qualification - Mess Dress - SACB - Principle Musician.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SA Corps of Bandsmen", Country="ZAR", Note="Gilt badge. Lyre with a wreath", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
MusicChiefMus = {Code = "MusicChiefMus", Type = "Qualification/Post", Description = "Chief Musician", Class="Chief Musician (SACB)", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification SACB Chief Musician badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SA Corps of Bandsmen", Country="ZAR", Note="Square Badge. Lyre with a wreath enclosed in a black square.", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
MusicChiefMusSD = {Code = "MusicChiefMusSD", Type = "Qualification/Post", Description = "Chief Musician", Class="Chief Musician (SACB)", Variation="Bronze Gilt on Red Backing, Service Dress", Image="SANDF - BADGE - Qualification - Mess Dress - SACB - Chief Musician.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SA Corps of Bandsmen", Country="ZAR", Note="Gilt Badge. Lyre with a wreath on a red backing.", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
MusicGroupLeader = {Code = "MusicGroupLeader", Type = "Qualification/Post", Description = "Group Leader", Class="Group Leader (SACB)", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification SACB Group Leader badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SA Corps of Bandsmen", Country="ZAR", Note="Lyre with a wreath, surrounded by a Laurel Wreath.", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
MusicGroupLeaderSD = {Code = "MusicGroupLeaderSD", Type = "Qualification/Post", Description = "Group Leader", Class="Group Leader (SACB)", Variation="Silver Gilt", Image="SANDF - BADGE - Qualification - Mess Dress - SACB - Group Leader.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SA Corps of Bandsmen", Country="ZAR", Note="Silver Gilt badge. Lyre with a wreath, surrounded by a Laurel Wreath.", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
MusicBandMaster = {Code = "MusicBandMaster", Type = "Qualification/Post", Description = "Band Master", Class="Band Master (SACB)", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification SACB Band Master badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SA Corps of Bandsmen", Country="ZAR", Note="Lyre with a wreath, surrounded by a Laurel Wreath enclosed within a black circle.", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
MusicBandMasterSD = {Code = "MusicBandMasterSD", Type = "Qualification/Post", Description = "Band Master", Class="Band Master (SACB)", Variation="Silver Gilt", Image="", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SA Corps of Bandsmen", Country="ZAR", Note="Silver Gilt Badge. Lyre with a wreath, surrounded by a Laurel Wreath.", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
MusicDirector = {Code = "MusicDirector", Type = "Qualification/Post", Description = "Director of Music", Class="SACB", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification SACB Director of Music badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SA Corps of Bandsmen", Country="ZAR", Note="Square Badge. Lyre with a wreath, surrounded by a Laurel Wreath", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
MusicDirectorSD = {Code = "MusicDirectorSD", Type = "Qualification/Post", Description = "Director of Music", Class="SACB", Variation="Gold Gilt Badge, Service Dress", Image="SANDF - BADGE - Qualification - Mess Dress - SACB - Director of Music.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SA Corps of Bandsmen", Country="ZAR", Note="Gold Gilt Badge. Lyre with a wreath, surrounded by a Laurel Wreath", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
MusicSeniorDirector = {Code = "MusicSeniorDirector", Type = "Qualification/Post", Description = "Senior Director of Music", Class="SACB", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification SACB Senior Director of Music badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SA Corps of Bandsmen", Country="ZAR", Note="Square Badge. Lyre with a wreath, surrounded by a Laurel Wreath, enclosed in a black square.", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
MusicSeniorDirectorSD = {Code = "MusicSeniorDirectorSD", Type = "Qualification/Post", Description = "Senior Director of Music", Class="SACB", Variation="Gold Gilt Badge on Red Backing, Service Dress", Image="", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SA Corps of Bandsmen", Country="ZAR", Note="Gold Gilt Badge on red backing. Lyre with a wreath, surrounded by a Laurel Wreath.", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
-- === Pilots === -->
Pilot = {Code = "Pilot", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Pilots Wings", Class="0-500 hrs", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Pilots Wings 0-500 hrs badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Pilots", Country="ZAR", Note="National Coat of Arms with large wings", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
Pilot500 = {Code = "Pilot500", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Pilots Wings", Class="500-2500 hrs", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Pilots Wings 500-2500 hrs badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Pilots", Country="ZAR", Note="National Coat of Arms with large wings enclosed by one black rectangle", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
Pilot2500 = {Code = "Pilot2500", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Pilots Wings", Class="2500 plus hrs", Variation="Black on Thatch beige, Embossed", Image="SANDF Qualification Pilots Wings 2500 plus hrs badge embossed.png", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#Pilots", Country="ZAR", Note="National Coat of Arms with large wings enclosed by two black rectangles", Org="SANDF", RecipCat="" },
-- Proficiency insignia of the South African Military Health Service
MHMDSD = {Code = "MHMDSD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Medical Doctor", Class="Chest Insignia", Variation="Gilt and Enamel", Image="SANDF SAMHS Medical Doctor chest insignia.jpg", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SAMHS", Country="ZAR", Note="", Org="SAMHS", RecipCat="" },
MHNurseSD = {Code = "MHNurseSD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Nurse", Class="Chest Insignia", Variation="Gilt and Enamel", Image="SANDF SAMHS Nurse chest insignia.jpg", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SAMHS", Country="ZAR", Note="", Org="SAMHS", RecipCat="" },
MHOPSSD = {Code = "MHOPSSD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "OPS Medic", Class="Chest Insignia", Variation="Gilt and Enamel", Image="SANDF SAMHS Ops Medic chest insignia.jpg", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SAMHS", Country="ZAR", Note="", Org="SAMHS", RecipCat="" },
MHPharmSD = {Code = "MHPharmSD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Pharmacist", Class="Chest Insignia", Variation="Gilt and Enamel", Image="SANDF SAMHS Pharmacist chest insignia.jpg", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SAMHS", Country="ZAR", Note="", Org="SAMHS", RecipCat="" },
MHPsychSD = {Code = "MHPsychSD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Psychologist", Class="Chest Insignia", Variation="Gilt and Enamel", Image="SANDF SAMHS Psychologist chest insignia.jpg", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SAMHS", Country="ZAR", Note="", Org="SAMHS", RecipCat="" },
MHVetSD = {Code = "MHVetSD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Veterinarian", Class="Chest Insignia", Variation="Gilt and Enamel", Image="SANDF SAMHS Veterinarian chest insignia.jpg", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SAMHS", Country="ZAR", Note="", Org="SAMHS", RecipCat="" },
MHWelfareSD = {Code = "MHWelfareSD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Welfare Officer", Class="Chest Insignia", Variation="Gilt and Enamel", Image="SANDF SAMHS Welfare Officer chest insignia.jpg", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SAMHS", Country="ZAR", Note="", Org="SAMHS", RecipCat="" },
MHHealthInspSD = {Code = "MHHealthInspSD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Health Inspector", Class="Chest Insignia", Variation="Gilt and Enamel", Image="SANDF SAMHS Health Inspector chest insignia.jpg", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SAMHS", Country="ZAR", Note="", Org="SAMHS", RecipCat="" },
MHAHSD = {Code = "MHAHSD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Ancillary Health", Class="Chest Insignia", Variation="Gilt and Enamel", Image="SANDF SAMS Ancillary Health chest insignia.jpg", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SAMHS", Country="ZAR", Note="", Org="SAMHS", RecipCat="" },
MHHorseDocSD = {Code = "MHHorseDocSD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Farrier", Class="Chest Insignia", Variation="Gilt and Enamel", Image="SANDF SAMS Ferrier chest insignia.jpg", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SAMHS", Country="ZAR", Note="", Org="SAMHS", RecipCat="" },
MHAdminSD = {Code = "MHAdminSD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Administrative", Class="Chest Insignia", Variation="Gilt and Enamel", Image="SANDF SAMHS Administrative chest insignia.jpg", PageLink="List of badges of the South African Army#SAMHS", Country="ZAR", Note="", Org="SAMHS", RecipCat="" },
MHMD7MEDSD = {Code = "MHMD7MEDSD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "Medical Doctor<br />7 MED", Class="Chest Insignia", Variation="Gilt and Enamel", Image="SANDF 7 Medical Battalion Doctor chest insignia.png", PageLink="7 Medical Battalion Group", Country="ZAR", Note="Dagger instead of a staff", Org="SAMHS", RecipCat="" },
MHOPS7MEDSD = {Code = "MHOPS7MEDSD", Type = "Qualification", Description = "OPS Medic<br />7 MED", Class="Chest Insignia", Variation="Gilt and Enamel", Image="SANDF 7 medical Battalion Ops Medic Chest insignia.png", PageLink="7 Medical Battalion Group", Country="ZAR", Note="Dagger instead of a staff", Org="SAMHS", RecipCat="" },
} -- End Data
return data