Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Convert/wikidata/data/sandbox/doc
--[[ Cache of Wikidata information with units for Module:Convert.
The codes should rarely change, and using a cache means that changing a
unit at Wikidata will not cause lots of converts in articles to break.
For a unit known to convert, the unit here must have:
label = Wikidata label for unit (used only when listing units)
ucode = unit code for input to convert
(there are no optional fields because convert handles everything)
For a unit not known to convert, the unit here must have:
label = Wikidata label for unit (used only when listing units)
(no ucode field)
_ucode = unit code for input to convert, and the
symbol used to display the unit when abbr=on
(convert will use the specified fields to display the unit,
and will not attempt to do a conversion)
For a unit not known to convert, the unit here may have:
name1 = singular name used to display the unit when abbr=off
name2 = plural name used to display the unit when abbr=off
link = name of article that unit will be linked to when lk=on
si = key for the SI base unit, if any
The base unit for each SI unit here must have:
symbol = symbol used to display the base unit when abbr=on
name1 = singular name of base unit used to display the unit when abbr=off
(if name1 is not given, symbol will be used, but an SI unit should have a name)
The base unit for each SI unit here may have:
name2 = plural name of base unit used to display the unit when abbr=off
link = name of article that unit will be linked to when lk=on
(applies for all SI units using this base, where the
SI unit does not define its own link field)
If name1 is not specified, the symbol is used for the name.
If name2 is not specified, a plural name is formed by appending 's' to name1.
If link is not specified, name1 is used for the link.
SI units are assumed to be simple items like V (volt) where 'mV' would
cause convert to insert:
'm' before the base symbol 'V' to make 'mV', if abbr=on
'milli' before the base name 'volt' to make 'millivolt', if abbr=off
A unit like "square meter" would not work because it needs an SI prefix
inserted before "meter" rather than at the beginning of the name.
Items that should not be used with convert as no precise unit is implied:
Q11247037 ton generic (cannot use)
Q178413 gallon generic
Q130964 calorie dubious (ambiguous, should not use)
Q216658 bushel dubious
Q420266 fluid ounce dubious
local wikidata_units = {
-- Following are SI base units.
A = {
symbol = 'A',
name1 = 'ampere',
F = {
symbol = 'F',
name1 = 'faraday',
H = {
symbol = 'H',
name1 = 'henry',
V = {
symbol = 'V',
name1 = 'volt',
-- Following are aliases to convert unit codes, used with "input=<value><space><unit>".
kilograms = {
ucode = 'kg',
-- Following are SI units not known to convert, used with "input=<value><space><unit>".
kV = {
ucode = 'kV',
si = 'V',
mV = {
ucode = 'mV',
si = 'V',
-- Following are Wikidata units.
Q131255 = {
label = 'farad',
_ucode = 'F',
si = 'F',
Q163354 = {
label = 'henry',
_ucode = 'H',
si = 'H',
Q1916026 = {
label = 'microvolt',
_ucode = 'uV',
si = 'V',
Q193933 = {
label = 'dioptre',
name1 = 'dioptre',
_ucode = 'dpt',
Q212120 = {
label = 'ampere hour',
name1 = 'ampere hour',
_ucode = 'A⋅h',
Q2448803 = {
label = 'millivolt',
_ucode = 'mV',
si = 'V',
Q2451296 = {
label = 'microfarad',
_ucode = 'uF',
si = 'F',
Q2490574 = {
label = 'milliampere',
_ucode = 'mA',
si = 'A',
Q25250 = {
label = 'volt',
_ucode = 'V',
si = 'V',
Q25272 = {
label = 'ampere',
_ucode = 'A',
si = 'A',
Q2553708 = {
label = 'megavolt',
_ucode = 'MV',
si = 'V',
Q2554092 = {
label = 'kilovolt',
_ucode = 'kV',
si = 'V',
Q2636421 = {
label = 'nanohenry',
_ucode = 'nH',
si = 'H',
Q2679083 = {
label = 'microhenry',
_ucode = 'uH',
si = 'H',
Q2682463 = {
label = 'nanofarad',
_ucode = 'nF',
si = 'F',
Q2756030 = {
label = 'picofarad',
_ucode = 'pF',
si = 'F',
Q2793566 = {
label = 'gigavolt',
_ucode = 'GV',
si = 'V',
Q2924137 = {
label = 'millihenry',
_ucode = 'mH',
si = 'H',
Q3117809 = {
label = 'microampere',
_ucode = 'uA',
si = 'A',
Q33680 = {
label = 'radian',
name1 = 'radian',
_ucode = 'rad',
Q4456994 = {
label = 'millifarad',
_ucode = 'mF',
si = 'F',
Q47083 = {
label = 'ohm',
name1 = 'ohm',
_ucode = 'Ω',
Q483261 = {
label = 'dalton',
name1 = 'dalton',
_ucode = 'u',
Q550341 = {
label = 'volt-ampere',
name1 = 'volt-ampere',
_ucode = 'VA',
Q100995 = {
label = 'pound',
ucode = 'lb',
Q1022113 = {
label = 'cubic centimetre',
ucode = 'cc',
Q102573 = {
label = 'becquerel',
ucode = 'Bq',
Q103246 = {
label = 'sievert',
ucode = 'Sv',
Q1050958 = {
label = 'inch of mercury',
ucode = 'inHg',
Q1051665 = {
label = 'metre per second squared',
ucode = 'm/s2',
Q1052397 = {
label = 'rad',
ucode = 'rad',
Q1054140 = {
label = 'megametre',
ucode = 'Mm',
Q1057069 = {
label = 'hectogram',
ucode = 'hg',
Q1063786 = {
label = 'square inch',
ucode = 'sqin',
Q1092296 = {
label = 'annum',
ucode = 'year',
Q11570 = {
label = 'kilogram',
ucode = 'kg',
Q11573 = {
label = 'metre',
ucode = 'm',
Q11574 = {
label = 'second',
ucode = 's',
Q11579 = {
label = 'kelvin',
ucode = 'K',
Q11582 = {
label = 'litre',
ucode = 'litre',
Q1165588 = {
label = 'rod',
ucode = 'rod',
Q1165799 = {
label = 'thou',
ucode = 'thou',
Q11776930 = {
label = 'megagram',
ucode = 'Mg',
Q11929860 = {
label = 'kiloparsec',
ucode = 'kpc',
Q1194225 = {
label = 'pound-force',
ucode = 'lbf',
Q12129 = {
label = 'parsec',
ucode = 'pc',
Q12438 = {
label = 'newton',
ucode = 'N',
Q1255620 = {
label = 'dram',
ucode = 'drachm',
Q12874593 = {
label = 'watt-hour',
ucode = 'W.h',
Q128822 = {
label = 'knot',
ucode = 'kn',
Q1374438 = {
label = 'kilosecond',
ucode = 'ks',
Q1377051 = {
label = 'gigasecond',
ucode = 'Gs',
Q14754979 = {
label = 'zettagram',
ucode = 'Zg',
Q14786969 = {
label = 'megajoule',
ucode = 'MJ',
Q14787261 = {
label = 'megawatt hour',
ucode = 'MW.h',
Q1550511 = {
label = 'square yard',
ucode = 'sqyd',
Q160857 = {
label = 'metric horsepower',
ucode = 'hp',
Q1628990 = {
label = 'horsepower-hour',
ucode = 'hph',
Q163343 = {
label = 'tesla',
ucode = 'T',
Q1645498 = {
label = 'microgram',
ucode = 'ug',
Q17087835 = {
label = 'cuerda',
ucode = 'cda',
Q174728 = {
label = 'centimetre',
ucode = 'cm',
Q174789 = {
label = 'millimetre',
ucode = 'mm',
Q175821 = {
label = 'micrometre',
ucode = 'um',
Q1770733 = {
label = 'teragram',
ucode = 'Tg',
Q1772386 = {
label = 'decigram',
ucode = 'dg',
Q177493 = {
label = 'gauss',
ucode = 'G',
Q1777507 = {
label = 'femtosecond',
ucode = 'fs',
Q177974 = {
label = 'standard atmosphere',
ucode = 'atm',
Q178674 = {
label = 'nanometre',
ucode = 'nm',
Q180154 = {
label = 'kilometre per hour',
ucode = 'km/h',
Q180892 = {
label = 'solar mass',
ucode = 'solar mass',
Q1811 = {
label = 'astronomical unit',
ucode = 'au',
Q1815100 = {
label = 'centilitre',
ucode = 'cl',
Q182098 = {
label = 'kilowatt hour',
ucode = 'kW.h',
Q1823150 = {
label = 'microwatt',
ucode = 'uW',
Q182429 = {
label = 'metre per second',
ucode = 'm/s',
Q1826195 = {
label = 'decilitre',
ucode = 'dl',
Q185078 = {
label = 'are',
ucode = 'a',
Q185153 = {
label = 'erg',
ucode = 'erg',
Q185648 = {
label = 'torr',
ucode = 'Torr',
Q190095 = {
label = 'gray',
ucode = 'Gy',
Q191118 = {
label = 'tonne',
ucode = 'tonne',
Q1913097 = {
label = 'femtogram',
ucode = 'fg',
Q192274 = {
label = 'picometre',
ucode = 'pm',
Q1972579 = {
label = 'poundal',
ucode = 'pdl',
Q200323 = {
label = 'decimetre',
ucode = 'dm',
Q201933 = {
label = 'dyne',
ucode = 'dyn',
Q2029519 = {
label = 'hectolitre',
ucode = 'hl',
Q2051195 = {
label = 'gigawatt hour',
ucode = 'GW.h',
Q207488 = {
label = 'Rankine scale',
ucode = 'R',
Q208788 = {
label = 'femtometre',
ucode = 'fm',
Q2101 = {
label = 'elementary charge',
ucode = 'e',
Q21014455 = {
label = 'metre per minute',
ucode = 'm/min',
Q21062777 = {
label = 'megapascal',
ucode = 'MPa',
Q21064807 = {
label = 'kilopascal',
ucode = 'kPa',
Q211256 = {
label = 'mile per hour',
ucode = 'mph',
Q21178489 = {
label = 'barrels per day',
ucode = 'oilbbl/d',
Q2143992 = {
label = 'kilohertz',
ucode = 'kHz',
Q21467992 = {
label = 'cubic foot per second',
ucode = 'cuft/s',
Q215571 = {
label = 'newton metre',
ucode = 'Nm',
Q216795 = {
label = 'dunam',
ucode = 'dunam',
Q216880 = {
label = 'kilogram-force',
ucode = 'kgf',
Q18413919 = {
label = 'centimetre per second',
ucode = 'cm/s',
Q218593 = {
label = 'inch',
ucode = 'in',
Q2282891 = {
label = 'microlitre',
ucode = 'ul',
Q2282906 = {
label = 'nanogram',
ucode = 'ng',
Q229354 = {
label = 'curie',
ucode = 'Ci',
Q232291 = {
label = 'square mile',
ucode = 'sqmi',
Q2332346 = {
label = 'millilitre',
ucode = 'ml',
Q23387 = {
label = 'week',
ucode = 'week',
Q23823681 = {
label = 'terawatt',
ucode = 'TW',
Q23925410 = {
label = 'gallon (UK)',
ucode = 'impgal',
Q23925413 = {
label = 'gallon (US)',
ucode = 'USgal',
Q2438073 = {
label = 'attogram',
ucode = 'ag',
Q2474258 = {
label = 'millisievert',
ucode = 'mSv',
Q2483628 = {
label = 'attosecond',
ucode = 'as',
Q2489298 = {
label = 'square centimetre',
ucode = 'cm2',
Q2518569 = {
label = 'nanosievert',
ucode = 'nSv',
Q25235 = {
label = 'hour',
ucode = 'h',
Q25236 = {
label = 'watt',
ucode = 'W',
Q25267 = {
label = 'degree Celsius',
ucode = 'C',
Q25269 = {
label = 'joule',
ucode = 'J',
Q253276 = {
label = 'mile',
ucode = 'mi',
Q25343 = {
label = 'square metre',
ucode = 'm2',
Q25406 = {
label = 'coulomb',
ucode = 'coulomb',
Q25517 = {
label = 'cubic metre',
ucode = 'm3',
Q260126 = {
label = 'Roentgen equivalent man',
ucode = 'rem',
Q2612219 = {
label = 'petagram',
ucode = 'Pg',
Q2619500 = {
label = 'foe',
ucode = 'foe',
Q2637946 = {
label = 'decalitre',
ucode = 'dal',
Q2655272 = {
label = 'exagram',
ucode = 'Eg',
Q2691798 = {
label = 'centigram',
ucode = 'cg',
Q2739114 = {
label = 'microsievert',
ucode = 'uSv',
Q2799294 = {
label = 'gigagram',
ucode = 'Gg',
Q3013059 = {
label = 'kiloannum',
ucode = 'millennium',
Q305896 = {
label = 'dots per inch',
ucode = 'dpi',
Q3207456 = {
label = 'milliwatt',
ucode = 'mW',
Q3221356 = {
label = 'yoctometre',
ucode = 'ym',
Q3239557 = {
label = 'picogram',
ucode = 'pg',
Q3241121 = {
label = 'milligram',
ucode = 'mg',
Q3267417 = {
label = 'terametre',
ucode = 'Tm',
Q3270676 = {
label = 'zeptometre',
ucode = 'zm',
Q3276763 = {
label = 'gigahertz',
ucode = 'GHz',
Q3277907 = {
label = 'exametre',
ucode = 'Em',
Q3277915 = {
label = 'zettametre',
ucode = 'Zm',
Q3277919 = {
label = 'petametre',
ucode = 'Pm',
Q3312063 = {
label = 'femtolitre',
ucode = 'fl',
Q3320608 = {
label = 'kilowatt',
ucode = 'kW',
Q3332822 = {
label = 'megaton of TNT',
ucode = 'Mt(TNT)',
Q35852 = {
label = 'hectare',
ucode = 'ha',
Q3675550 = {
label = 'cubic millimetre',
ucode = 'mm3',
Q3710 = {
label = 'foot',
ucode = 'ft',
Q3773454 = {
label = 'megaparsec',
ucode = 'Mpc',
Q3902688 = {
label = 'picolitre',
ucode = 'pl',
Q3902709 = {
label = 'picosecond',
ucode = 'ps',
Q39369 = {
label = 'hertz',
ucode = 'Hz',
Q3972226 = {
label = 'kilolitre',
ucode = 'kl',
Q4068266 = {
label = "apothecaries' drachm",
ucode = 'drachm',
Q41803 = {
label = 'gram',
ucode = 'g',
Q4220561 = {
label = 'kilometre per second',
ucode = 'km/s',
Q42289 = {
label = 'degree Fahrenheit',
ucode = 'F',
Q4243638 = {
label = 'cubic kilometre',
ucode = 'km3',
Q44395 = {
label = 'pascal',
ucode = 'Pa',
Q48013 = {
label = 'ounce',
ucode = 'oz',
Q482798 = {
label = 'yard',
ucode = 'yd',
Q4989854 = {
label = 'kilojoule',
ucode = 'kJ',
Q4992853 = {
label = 'kiloton of TNT',
ucode = 'kt(TNT)',
Q5139563 = {
label = 'hectopascal',
ucode = 'hPa',
Q5151 = {
label = 'month',
ucode = 'month',
Q531 = {
label = 'light-year',
ucode = 'ly',
Q5465723 = {
label = 'foot-poundal',
ucode = 'ftpdl',
Q573 = {
label = 'day',
ucode = 'd',
Q577 = {
label = 'year',
ucode = 'year',
Q5879479 = {
label = 'gigawatt',
ucode = 'GW',
Q6003257 = {
label = 'attometre',
ucode = 'am',
Q613726 = {
label = 'yottagram',
ucode = 'Yg',
Q6170164 = {
label = 'yoctogram',
ucode = 'yg',
Q667419 = {
label = 'long ton',
ucode = 'LT',
Q673166 = {
label = 'gravity of Earth',
ucode = 'g0',
Q693944 = {
label = 'grain',
ucode = 'gr',
Q6982035 = {
label = 'megawatt',
ucode = 'MW',
Q712226 = {
label = 'square kilometre',
ucode = 'km2',
Q723733 = {
label = 'millisecond',
ucode = 'ms',
Q732454 = {
label = 'megaannum',
ucode = 'Myr',
Q732707 = {
label = 'megahertz',
ucode = 'MHz',
Q752079 = {
label = 'gross register ton',
ucode = 'grt',
Q752197 = {
label = 'kilojoule per mole',
ucode = 'kJ/mol',
Q7727 = {
label = 'minute',
ucode = 'min',
Q794261 = {
label = 'cubic metre per second',
ucode = 'm3/s',
Q809678 = {
label = 'barye',
ucode = 'Ba',
Q81292 = {
label = 'acre',
ucode = 'acre',
Q81454 = {
label = 'ångström',
ucode = 'angstrom',
Q828224 = {
label = 'kilometre',
ucode = 'km',
Q83327 = {
label = 'electronvolt',
ucode = 'eV',
Q838801 = {
label = 'nanosecond',
ucode = 'ns',
Q842015 = {
label = 'microsecond',
ucode = 'us',
Q844211 = {
label = 'kilogram per cubic metre',
ucode = 'kg/m3',
Q844338 = {
label = 'hectometre',
ucode = 'hm',
Q844976 = {
label = 'oersted',
ucode = 'Oe',
Q848856 = {
label = 'decametre',
ucode = 'dam',
Q854546 = {
label = 'gigametre',
ucode = 'Gm',
Q857027 = {
label = 'square foot',
ucode = 'sqft',
Q9048643 = {
label = 'nanolitre',
ucode = 'nl',
Q93318 = {
label = 'nautical mile',
ucode = 'nmi',
return { wikidata_units = wikidata_units }