Example[edit source]
{{#invoke: CricketLeagueGroupStageSummary|IPL <!-- home | away | result | margin | DL --> | MI | KKR | A | 41R | N | KKR | MI | A | 2W | N | MI | CSK | T | | Y | CSK | MI | H | SO | N | KKR | CSK | N | | N | CSK | KKR | | | }}
Visitor team → | CSK | KKR | MI |
Home team ↓ | |||
Chennai Super Kings | Match 6 | Chennai Super Over | |
Kolkata Knight Riders | Match abandoned | Mumbai 2 wickets | |
Mumbai Indians | Match tied | Kolkata 41 runs |
Home team won | Visitor team won |
- Note: Results listed are according to the home (horizontal) and visitor (vertical) teams.
- Note: Click on a result to see a summary of the match.
local p = {}
---------- Background colours for table cells ----------
local colours = {
H = "#CCCCFF", -- Home team wins
A = "#FFCCCC", -- Away team wins
N = "#FFDEAD", -- Match abandoned
D = "#F0E68C", -- Match drawn
T = "#DDFFDD" -- Match tied
local noMatchColour = "#C0C0C0" -- No match defined
local notPlayedColour = "inherit" -- Not played yet
local errorColour = "#FF7777" -- Error
function trim(s)
if not s then
return nil
return (mw.ustring.gsub(s, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
function getArgs(frame)
local parent = frame:getParent();
local args = {}
for k,v in pairs(parent.args) do
args[k] = trim(v)
for k,v in pairs(frame.args) do
args[k] = trim(v)
return args;
-- Match class
local cricmatch = {}
cricmatch.__index = function(t, key)
local ret = rawget(t, key)
if ret then
return ret
ret = cricmatch[key]
if type(ret) == 'function' then
return function(...)
return ret(t, ...)
return ret
cricmatch.addResultLink = function(m, cell, text)
:attr('title', string.format('Match %d',
:wikitext(string.format('[[#match%s|%s]]',, text))
cricmatch.getMarginResult = function(m, row, matchNo)
local team = m.result == 'H' and m.home or m.away
local marginText
if m.margin == 'F' then
marginText = "Forfeited"
elseif m.margin == 'SO' then
marginText = "Super Over"
local n = tonumber(string.sub(m.margin, 1, -2))
local t = string.upper(string.sub(m.margin, -1, -1))
if t == 'R' then
marginText = "%d run"
elseif t == 'W' then
marginText = "%d wicket"
elseif t == 'I' then
marginText = "Inns & %d run"
if marginText and n then
marginText = string.format(marginText, n)
if n > 1 then marginText = marginText .. "s" end
marginText = matchNo
if m.dl then
marginText = marginText
.. ' <span style="font-size: 85%">(' .. m.dl .. ')</span>'
local cell = addTableCell(row, colours[m.result])
m.addResultLink(cell, marginText)
return cell:css('padding', '3px 5px')
cricmatch.getResult = function(m, row)
local colour, text
local matchNo = string.format('[[#match%s|Match %s]]',,
if m.result == 'D' then
-- Drawn match
colour = colours.D
text = 'Match drawn'
elseif m.result == 'N' then
-- Abandoned match
colour = colours.N
text = 'Match<br />abandoned'
elseif m.result == 'T' then
-- Tied match
colour = colours.T
text = 'Match tied'
elseif m.result == 'H' or m.result == 'A' then
return m.getMarginResult(row, matchNo)
local cell
if text and colour then
cell = addTableCell(row, colour)
m.addResultLink(cell, text)
cell = addTableCell(row, notPlayedColour, matchNo)
return cell:css('padding', '3px 5px')
function createMatch(id, home, away, result, margin, dl)
if not home or not away then
return nil
local match = {}
setmetatable(match, cricmatch) = id
match.home = home
match.away = away
match.result = result
match.margin = margin
match.dl = dl
return match
-- Html Builder helpers
function addTableRow(tbl)
return tbl:tag('tr')
function addTableCell(row, bg, text)
return row:tag('td'):css('background-color', bg):wikitext(text)
function addNoMatch(row)
addTableCell(row, noMatchColour)
return row
-- Helper functions
function buildLegend(container, types, homeaway)
local key = container:tag('table')
:css('float', 'right')
:css('text-align', 'center')
:css('font-size', '90%')
:css('margin', '0 0 0 10px')
local keys = { 'H', 'A' }
local text = {
H = (homeaway and 'Home team won' or 'Horizontal team won'),
A = (homeaway and 'Visitor team won' or 'Vertical team won'),
D = 'Match drawn',
N = 'Match abandoned',
T = 'Match tied'
local count = 0
for _, _ in pairs(types) do count = count + 1 end
local row = addTableRow(key)
for _, k in ipairs(keys) do
if types[k] then addTableCell(row, colours[k], text[k]) end
local list = container:tag('ul')
:css('font-size', '90%')
:wikitext(homeaway and "'''Note''': Results listed are according to the " ..
"home (horizontal) and visitor (vertical) teams." or
"'''Note''': Results listed are according to the " ..
"first encounter (top-right) and second encounter (bottom-left).")
:wikitext("'''Note''': Click on a result to see " ..
"a summary of the match.")
return container
function getMatchData(args, teams)
local i, m = 0, 1
local match
local matches = {}
local dlText = args.dls == 'Y' and 'DLS' or 'D/L'
local home, away, result, margin, dl
while args[i * 5 + 5] do
home = teams[trim(args[i * 5 + 1])]
away = teams[args[i * 5 + 2]]
result = args[i * 5 + 3]
margin = args[i * 5 + 4]
dl = args[i * 5 + 5] == "Y"
match = createMatch(m, home, away, result, margin, dl and dlText or nil)
if match then
table.insert(matches, match)
m = m + 1
i = i + 1
return matches
p.create = function(args, teams, tableStyle)
local matches = getMatchData(args, teams)
-- organise by team
local codes, results, types = {}, {}, {}
for i, match in ipairs(matches) do
local home = match.home.code
local away = match.away.code
if not results[home] then
table.insert(codes, home)
results[home] = {}
if not results[away] then
table.insert(codes, away)
results[away] = {}
results[home][away] = match
types[match.result] = true
local teamsort = function(t1, t2)
return teams[t1].fullName < teams[t2].fullName
table.sort(codes, teamsort)
local wrapper = mw.html.create('div')
-- Construct the header
local container = wrapper:tag('div')
:css('float', 'left')
:css('max-width', '100%')
local tbl = container:tag('table')
:attr('class', 'wikitable module-CricketLeagueGroupStageSummary')
:css('width', '100%')
:css('display', 'block')
:css('overflow', 'auto')
:css('border', 'none')
if tableStyle then
tbl:css('text-align', 'center')
:css('white-space', 'nowrap')
:css('width', '100%')
if #codes > 8 then
tbl:css('font-size', (100 - (#codes - 8) * 10) .. '%')
local homeaway = not (args['homeaway'] and (args['homeaway'] == 'no' or args['homeaway'] == 'n'))
local header = addTableRow(tbl)
:attr('scope', 'row')
:wikitext(homeaway and 'Visitor team →' or 'Vertical team →')
for i, code in ipairs(codes) do
local team = teams[code]
:attr('rowspan', homeaway and '2' or '2')
:attr('scope', 'col')
:css('padding', 'inherit 10px')
:wikitext(string.format('[[%s|%s]]', team.pageName, team.abbr or team.code))
if homeaway then
tbl:tag('tr'):tag('th'):attr('scope', 'col'):wikitext('Home team ↓')
tbl:tag('tr'):tag('th'):attr('scope', 'col'):wikitext('Horizontal team ↓')
-- Output the main body of the table
for i, homecode in ipairs(codes) do
local home = teams[homecode]
local row = addTableRow(tbl)
local teamcell = row:tag('th')
:attr('scope', 'row')
:css('text-align', 'left')
:css('padding', '3px 5px')
:css('white-space', 'normal')
:wikitext(string.format('[[%s|%s]]', home.pageName, home.fullName))
for j, awaycode in ipairs(codes) do
local match = results[homecode][awaycode]
if match then match.getResult(row) else addNoMatch(row) end
-- Legend and notes
buildLegend(container, types, homeaway)
wrapper:tag('div'):css('clear', 'both')
return tostring(wrapper)
p.ICC= function(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local teams = mw.loadData("Module:ICC teams")
local teamsAssoc = {}
local i = 1
while teams[i] do
teamsAssoc[teams[i].code] = teams[i]
i = i + 1
return p.create(args, teamsAssoc)
p.IPL = function(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local teams = mw.loadData("Module:Indian Premier League teams")
local teamsAssoc = {}
local i = 1
while teams[i] do
teamsAssoc[teams[i].code] = teams[i]
i = i + 1
return p.create(args, teamsAssoc)
p.WPL = function(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local teams = mw.loadData("Module:Women's Premier League teams")
local teamsAssoc = {}
local i = 1
while teams[i] do
teamsAssoc[teams[i].code] = teams[i]
i = i + 1
return p.create(args, teamsAssoc)
p.ILT20 = function(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local teams = mw.loadData("Module:International League T20 teams")
local teamsAssoc = {}
local i = 1
while teams[i] do
teamsAssoc[teams[i].code] = teams[i]
i = i + 1
return p.create(args, teamsAssoc)
p.BBL = function(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local teams = mw.loadData("Module:Big Bash League teams")
local teamsAssoc = {}
local i = 1
while teams[i] do
teamsAssoc[teams[i].code] = teams[i]
i = i + 1
return p.create(args, teamsAssoc)
p.CPL = function(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local teams = mw.loadData("Module:Caribbean Premier League teams")
local teamsAssoc = {}
local i = 1
while teams[i] do
teamsAssoc[teams[i].code] = teams[i]
i = i + 1
return p.create(args, teamsAssoc)
p.WBBL = function(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local teams = {
ADS = {
code = "ADS",
fullName = "Adelaide Strikers",
shortName = "Strikers",
pageName = "Adelaide Strikers (WBBL)"
BRH = {
code = "BRH",
fullName = "Brisbane Heat",
shortName = "Heat",
pageName = "Brisbane Heat (WBBL)"
HBH = {
code = "HBH",
fullName = "Hobart Hurricanes",
shortName = "Hurricanes",
pageName = "Hobart Hurricanes (WBBL)"
MLR = {
code = "MLR",
fullName = "Melbourne Renegades",
shortName = "Renegades",
pageName = "Melbourne Renegades (WBBL)"
MLS = {
code = "MLS",
fullName = "Melbourne Stars",
shortName = "Stars",
pageName = "Melbourne Stars (WBBL)"
PRS = {
code = "PRS",
fullName = "Perth Scorchers",
shortName = "Scorchers",
pageName = "Perth Scorchers (WBBL)"
SYS = {
code = "SYS",
fullName = "Sydney Sixers",
shortName = "Sixers",
pageName = "Sydney Sixers (WBBL)"
SYT = {
code = "SYT",
fullName = "Sydney Thunder",
shortName = "Thunder",
pageName = "Sydney Thunder (WBBL)"
return p.create(args, teams)
p.SA20 = function(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local teams = {
MICT = {
code = "MICT",
fullName = "MI Cape Town",
shortName = "Cape Town",
pageName = "MI Cape Town",
startYear = 2023
DSG = {
code = "DSG",
fullName = "Durban's Super Giants",
shortName = "Durban",
pageName = "Durban's Super Giants",
startYear = 2023
JSK = {
code = "JSK",
fullName = "Joburg Super Kings",
shortName = "Johannesburg",
pageName = "Joburg Super Kings",
startYear = 2023
PR = {
code = "PR",
fullName = "Paarl Royals",
shortName = "Paarl",
pageName = "Paarl Royals",
startYear = 2023
PC = {
code = "PC",
fullName = "Pretoria Capitals",
shortName = "Pretoria",
pageName = "Pretoria Capitals",
startYear = 2023
SEC = {
code = "SEC",
fullName = "Sunrisers Eastern Cape",
shortName = "Eastern Cape",
pageName = "Sunrisers Eastern Cape",
startYear = 2023
return p.create(args, teams)
p.PSL = function(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local teams = mw.loadData("Module:PakistanSuperLeagueTeams")
local teamsAssoc = {}
local i = 1
while teams[i] do
teamsAssoc[teams[i].code] = teams[i]
i = i + 1
return p.create(args, teamsAssoc)
p.BPL = function(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local teams = mw.loadData("Module:Bangladesh Premier League teams")
local teamsAssoc = {}
local i = 1
while teams[i] do
teamsAssoc[teams[i].code] = teams[i]
i = i + 1
return p.create(args, teamsAssoc)
p.NPL = function(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local teams = {
BK = {
code = "BK",
fullName = "Biratnagar Kings",
shortName = "Biratnagar",
pageName = "Biratnagar Kings",
startYear = 2024
CR = {
code = "CR",
fullName = "Chitwan Rhinos",
shortName = "Chitwan",
pageName = "Chitwan Rhinos",
startYear = 2024
JB = {
code = "JB",
fullName = "Janakpur Bolts",
shortName = "Janakpur",
pageName = "Janakpur Bolts",
startYear = 2024
KY = {
code = "KY",
fullName = "Karnali Yaks",
shortName = "Karnali",
pageName = "Karnali Yaks",
startYear = 2024
KG = {
code = "KG",
fullName = "Kathmandu Gurkhas",
shortName = "Kathmandu",
pageName = "Kathmandu Gurkhas",
startYear = 2024
LL = {
code = "LL",
fullName = "Lumbini Lions",
shortName = "Lumbini",
pageName = "Lumbini Lions",
startYear = 2024
PA = {
code = "PA",
fullName = "Pokhara Avengers",
shortName = "Pokhara",
pageName = "Pokhara Avengers",
startYear = 2024
SR = {
code = "SR",
fullName = "Sudurpaschim Royals",
shortName = "Sudurpaschim",
pageName = "Sudurpaschim Royals",
startYear = 2024
return p.create(args, teams)
p.Aus = function(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local teams = {
NSW = {
code = "NSW",
fullName = "New South Wales",
shortName = "NSW",
pageName = "New South Wales cricket team"
QLD = {
code = "QLD",
fullName = "Queensland",
shortName = "Queensland",
pageName = "Queensland cricket team"
SA = {
code = "SA",
fullName = "South Australia",
shortName = "SA",
pageName = "South Australia cricket team"
TAS = {
code = "TAS",
fullName = "Tasmania",
shortName = "Tasmania",
pageName = "Tasmania cricket team"
VIC = {
code = "VIC",
fullName = "Victoria",
shortName = "Victoria",
pageName = "Victoria cricket team"
WA = {
code = "WA",
fullName = "Western Australia",
shortName = "WA",
pageName = "Western Australia cricket team"
return p.create(args, teams)
p.MLC = function(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local teams = {
LAKR = {
code = "LAKR",
fullName = "Los Angeles Knight Riders",
shortName = "Los Angeles",
pageName = "Los Angeles Knight Riders",
startYear = 2023
MINY = {
code = "MINY",
fullName = "MI New York",
shortName = "New York",
pageName = "MI New York",
startYear = 2023
SFU = {
code = "SFU",
fullName = "San Francisco Unicorns",
shortName = "San Francisco",
pageName = "San Francisco Unicorns",
startYear = 2023
SO = {
code = "SO",
fullName = "Seattle Orcas",
shortName = "Seattle",
pageName = "Seattle Orcas",
startYear = 2023
TSK = {
code = "TSK",
fullName = "Texas Super Kings",
shortName = "Texas",
pageName = "Texas Super Kings",
startYear = 2023
WF = {
code = "WF",
fullName = "Washington Freedom",
shortName = "Washington",
pageName = "Washington Freedom (cricket)",
startYear = 2023
return p.create(args, teams)
p.M100 = function(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local teams = {
BIR = {
code = "BIR",
fullName = "Birmingham Phoenix",
shortName = "Phoenix",
pageName = "Birmingham Phoenix"
LON = {
code = "LON",
fullName = "London Spirit",
shortName = "Spirit",
pageName = "London Spirit"
MAN = {
code = "MAN",
fullName = "Manchester Originals",
shortName = "Originals",
pageName = "Manchester Originals"
NOR = {
code = "NOR",
fullName = "Northern Superchargers",
shortName = "Superchargers",
pageName = "Northern Superchargers"
OVA = {
code = "OVA",
fullName = "Oval Invincibles",
shortName = "Invincibles",
pageName = "Oval Invincibles"
SOU = {
code = "SOU",
fullName = "Southern Brave",
shortName = "Brave",
pageName = "Southern Brave"
TRE = {
code = "TRE",
fullName = "Trent Rockets",
shortName = "Rockets",
pageName = "Trent Rockets"
WEL = {
code = "WEL",
fullName = "Welsh Fire",
shortName = "Fire",
pageName = "Welsh Fire"
return p.create(args, teams)
p.W100 = function(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local teams = {
BIRw = {
code = "BIRw",
fullName = "Birmingham Phoenix women",
shortName = "Phoenix",
pageName = "Birmingham Phoenix"
LONw = {
code = "LONw",
fullName = "London Spirit women",
shortName = "Spirit",
pageName = "London Spirit"
MANw = {
code = "MANw",
fullName = "Manchester Originals women",
shortName = "Originals",
pageName = "Manchester Originals"
NORw = {
code = "NORw",
fullName = "Northern Superchargers women",
shortName = "Superchargers",
pageName = "Northern Superchargers"
OVAw = {
code = "OVAw",
fullName = "Oval Invincibles women",
shortName = "Invincibles",
pageName = "Oval Invincibles"
SOUw = {
code = "SOUw",
fullName = "Southern Brave women",
shortName = "Brave",
pageName = "Southern Brave"
TREw = {
code = "TREw",
fullName = "Trent Rockets women",
shortName = "Rockets",
pageName = "Trent Rockets"
WELw = {
code = "WELw",
fullName = "Welsh Fire women",
shortName = "Fire",
pageName = "Welsh Fire"
return p.create(args, teams)
p.Eng = function(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local teams = {
DER = {
code = "DER",
fullName = "Derbyshire",
shortName = "Derbyshire",
pageName = "Derbyshire County Cricket Club"
DUR = {
code = "DUR",
fullName = "Durham",
shortName = "Durham",
pageName = "Durham County Cricket Club"
ESS = {
code = "ESS",
fullName = "Essex",
shortName = "Essex",
pageName = "Essex County Cricket Club"
GLA = {
code = "GLA",
fullName = "Glamorgan",
shortName = "Glamorgan",
pageName = "Glamorgan County Cricket Club"
GLO = {
code = "GLO",
fullName = "Gloucestershire",
shortName = "Gloucestershire",
pageName = "Gloucestershire County Cricket Club"
HAM = {
code = "HAM",
fullName = "Hampshire",
shortName = "Hampshire",
pageName = "Hampshire County Cricket Club"
KEN = {
code = "KEN",
fullName = "Kent",
shortName = "Kent",
pageName = "Kent County Cricket Club"
LAN = {
code = "LAN",
fullName = "Lancashire",
shortName = "Lancashire",
pageName = "Lancashire County Cricket Club"
LEI = {
code = "LEI",
fullName = "Leicestershire",
shortName = "Leicestershire",
pageName = "Leicestershire County Cricket Club"
MID = {
code = "MID",
fullName = "Middlesex",
shortName = "Middlesex",
pageName = "Middlesex County Cricket Club"
NOR = {
code = "NOR",
fullName = "Northamptonshire",
shortName = "Northamptonshire",
pageName = "Northamptonshire County Cricket Club"
NOT = {
code = "NOT",
fullName = "Nottinghamshire",
shortName = "Nottinghamshire",
pageName = "Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club"
SOM = {
code = "SOM",
fullName = "Somerset",
shortName = "Somerset",
pageName = "Somerset County Cricket Club"
SUR = {
code = "SUR",
fullName = "Surrey",
shortName = "Surrey",
pageName = "Surrey County Cricket Club"
SUS = {
code = "SUS",
fullName = "Sussex",
shortName = "Sussex",
pageName = "Sussex County Cricket Club"
WAR = {
code = "WAR",
fullName = "Warwickshire",
shortName = "Warwickshire",
pageName = "Warwickshire County Cricket Club"
WOR = {
code = "WOR",
fullName = "Worcestershire",
shortName = "Worcestershire",
pageName = "Worcestershire County Cricket Club"
YOR = {
code = "YOR",
fullName = "Yorkshire",
shortName = "Yorkshire",
pageName = "Yorkshire County Cricket Club"
return p.create(args, teams)
p.LPL = function(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local teams = {
CS = {
code = "CS",
fullName = "Colombo Strikers",
shortName = "Colombo",
pageName = "Colombo Strikers"
DS = {
code = "DS",
fullName = "Dambulla Sixers",
shortName = "Dambulla",
pageName = "Dambulla Sixers"
GM = {
code = "GM",
fullName = "Galle Marvels",
shortName = "Galle",
pageName = "Galle Marvels"
JK = {
code = "JK",
fullName = "Jaffna Kings",
shortName = "Jaffna",
pageName = "Jaffna Kings"
KF = {
code = "KF",
fullName = "Kandy Falcons",
shortName = "Kandy",
pageName = "Kandy Falcons"
return p.create(args, teams)
return p