Module:Sandbox/Lesser Cartographies/lua
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Sandbox/Lesser Cartographies/lua/doc
-- Taking lua for a spin.
local p = {}
local b2s = require( "Module:BibTeX2Cite" )
function p.test(frame)
local s = [[
@book {MR0161818,
AUTHOR = {Erd{\H{o}}s, P{\'a}l and Sur{\'a}nyi, J{\'a}nos},
TITLE = {V\'alogatott fejezetek a sz\'amelm\'eletb{\H o}l},
PUBLISHER = {Tank\"onyvkiad\'o V\'allalat, Budapest},
YEAR = {1960},
PAGES = {250},
MRCLASS = {10.00},
MRNUMBER = {0161818 (28 \#5022)},
local c = b2s.BibTeX2Cite(s)
return frame:expandTemplate{title = 'cite journal', args = c["citeparms"]}
return p